Graphic Novels

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Graphic Novels


The Sarai Programme, CSDS

Items in the Graphic Novels Collection

'FLOSS Is Not Just Good for Your Teeth' is a media work produced as part of the activities of 'Towards a
Culture of Open Networks', a collaborative initiative of Sarai-CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam) and
t0 (Vienna), focused on bridging…

After 25 years of producing an entire galaxy of superheroes, Raj Comics is the largest comic book publishing house in India. They have published more than 5000 titles and are home to more than 20 characters. But, what is the world of Raj Comics? Who…

The protagonists of Tinker.Solder.Tap bring alive the ways in which the relationship between life and the media has been re-scripted in the various neighbourhoods of our cities. The story begins in the mid-80s, when a man returns home with an object…

The Water Cookbook presents ideas from the Sarai project on peri-urban sustainability in Ghaziabad, India. It is a short graphic novel combining pictures with brief stories from daily life in the city.More:

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