[Reader-list] CNN - countdown to armageddon...

Sanjay Bhangar sanjayb at hotpop.com
Thu Mar 20 09:11:08 IST 2003

Below is very, very scattered writing, written in two points while watching
CNN last night... I basically was just watching t.v. and typing stream of
thought as the images/propaganda went by... first bit is around 3 hours
before "deadline" and second is CNN as the first bombs started falling...
its unedited and unprofessional and all that, but ahh heck... crisis media
reportage... sorry its long, thought it might interest some people....
take care,

Countdown to Armageddon - Live:
Just sitting here, in front of my television... around 3 and a half hours to
go before Bush's "deadline" expires... CNN spews propaganda...

Its 12:21 AM in Baghdad says the ticker at the bottom of my screen and I
Iraqi weapons destroyed. Latest developments from Iraq - Iraq rejects
Bahrain offer for Saddam exile - BAD Saddam. 17 Iraqi soldiers surrender to
USA - 17!!!! Thats news!!! 17!!!! Now interview of some generral of 12 years
ago... how nice.
Saddam actually believes he can win this war - ahh, we have maps. Saddam is
going to fortress Baghdad - Saddam is going to "force" civilian casualties
through urban combat in Baghdad. Yea, thats why you'll see all those
Iraqoids die. It ain't the daisy cutters fault.
Yes, now, Chemical and Biological weapons that Saddam will probably use - of
course, when they use them, they're "weapons of mass destruction", when the
US uses them, they're ohh.. umm.. these cool graphics with nice names like
flowers, no?
Scud missiles against Israel - chance is high - oh no!
Ahh, now we update to Business News - Nasdaq falls .84 percent... FTSE
London gained .48% - how nice...
Dollar is crawling back against the Euro - how nice again.
Next, CNN looks at the effects of the war on the airline industry - past 2
hours, the amount of air-time spent on the airline industry - at least 20
minutes - amount of time spent on Iraqi children - not even 20 seconds - how
Ad - Barney Chang, big fashion designer, Michelle Yo, sexy dress - on
TalkAsia, we interview big fashion designer - yoo ha!
CNN ad - "Your News" We show people WHY things are happening, WHY a story is
important to YOU - Your World Today, only on CNN - Be the First to Know...
Stay in the know, stay at a CNN partner hotel...
The threat of war, a volatile business world, and CNN is there, find out how
the war effects your country, your economy, your money - hoo ya! We'll tell
you that this war is going to make you money, and be happy - the dead people
dont matter.
This is World Business Today now.... how markets react to the threat of war.
Hello and welcome to the program...
a volatile day for the financial world... shit, this is just plain boring -
I really dont want to know about the falling airline industry when my world
is getting fucked in 4 hours.
Ok, wait, major developments -
Shit, still talking about the 17 soldiers surrendering...
As a precaution, troops wear anti-chemical weapons suits. Germany to grand
U.S. access to airspace and bases - how nice, we're anti war, but not that
U.N. Security Council meets for last time before war - Hans Blix is sad that
inspections couldn't find proof of weapons of mass destruction - fuck, I
dont want to go into the ridiculousness of CNN saying that. Now man saying
Iraq ha fulfilled all its obligations and not violated resolution - outbreak
of force in middle east will only increase terrorism. Kofi Annan says war
will be disaster for people of Iraq - the United Nations is now defunct -
Security council meets without US and Britain - its also getting less and
less coverage from CNN - how nice = those stupid people weren't needed
Turkey stock market crashes as Government refuses to be bribed. Anti-war bad
for markets. Markets rule.
Over to Wall Street now... Man smiling - markets are up - he's not smiling
when markets are down, but now they're up, because the price of oil is going
to come down - because war is going to get over soon they expect - woo ha!
Shit. Talking again about the dollar gaining - this is important - a huge
reason for the war is the U.S. fear of a dollar collapse - the Iraq war is
godsend for the valuation of the dollar.
Oil prices going down down down - woooooha! We have cheap oil and shut up
and be happy! The man is nearly drooling telling us about the oil prices,
but shit, now he's all sad because the airline industry is fucked. shit. i
feel for the airline industry.
CNNarabic.com - be the first to know, in Arabic... and I can see the Iraqis
laughing their asses off seeing that.
Did you know, the first human fossil was found in Tanzania - recovered, old
tools used by humans and prehistorians... thats kind've random by CNN...
telling us about how human got bigger brains because they ate meat... no
Another ad - how to handle life when you're constantly on the move - on CNN
Traveller - we'll show you the latet gadgets on how to keep in touch -
wooha! Keep in touch, in our bunkers... fuck.
In Focus now: The effects of war on the struggling airlines. Ok, now im
going to do my own piece on the effects of war on Iraqi children, because
this is pointless - Iraqi children are going to die.
Ok, thats the end of my piece, but fuck, these guys are going on how
airlines are going to have to file for bankruptcy - and shit, people aren't
flying because they're scared of terrorism and war, and airlines and cutting
flights - like, shit. lets read some of those blurbs at the bottom of the
Some tribal leaders in Congo sign a peace-fire agreements - prominent south
african politicians and former guerrila leader tony yengeni sentences to 4
years in jail for fraud... shit, now theres a Business bar there, so its
just irrittating..
They're still talking about the impact on Airlines! God!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!
STOP!!!!!!!!!! I cant take this any more!!!!!! This is the pinnacle of
western civilization!!!!! 3 hours before the biggest war we're going to see
in a long time, and they're talking about how its effecting the airline
industry and wallowing in sadness!!! Do they even know what war is? Do they
know what death is? What are they smoking? How do they numb themselves like
this? Even I want!
Will we see more airline bankruptcies in Europe or the USA? What a question!
So inciseful! Be the first to know! Stay out of airline stocks is our
advice - yayy!!
They keep saying "Breaking News" at the bottom of the screen for some
Oh wait, the ticker at the bottom is back... ya, coalition forces kill some
Iraqi artillery in "no-fly zone", and yea, fuck, imagine that, how evil
Iraqis - sending artillery to no-fly zone.
shit. theres so many ads. during Sept. 11th coverage, there were no ads,
because it was not respectful to the victims - before the U.S. bombs the
hell out of the Iraqi people, its primetime ad space baby!! wooha!!
Shit, more business news - i cant take this shit any more. Shit, you know,
they're just saying the same things - this piece would get boring and you'd
stop reading it if I kept repeating the same things - why do people keep
watching CNN? This is ridiculous! Like our entire World, in 3 word
Mahmoud Abbas appointed Palestinian Prime Minister... hmmm..
Turning now to Corporate news... head of Vivendi entertainment unit is
stepping down... shit.
Shit. this is just putting me to sleep. I thought it'll be at least
interesting 3 hours before armageddon, but apparently we're going to go down
in a splattering of market forces. shit. ok, when do we come to the impact
of war on people? shit - we've got the impact on the airline industry, on
london markets, on asian markets, on vivendi, shit!!!!
haha - he just said that in asia, public has been against war, but then
proudly saying how all governments are supporting iraq - how indicative of
the democracies in which we live, and he doesn't even get the irony...
on the next larry king live.... senator john mccain and old gulf war air
commander... gonna tell us how beautiful and noble it is to bomb a peoples
to bits... yayy!! keep watching, be the first to know!

shit. i need a cigarette. this business news is killing me - now telling us
how technology can be used to help all mankind - Global Challenges, this
Sunday, on CNN....
Oil Prices fall nearly 20% - yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, I'm so happy!!!! Ok
shit, smoke. brb.
Ok, back...
No signs of "compliance" from Iraq says CNN - Compliance with what, you
stupid dickheads? They complied with the U.N., its the U.S. thats not
"complying". Stupid gits. Ok sorry, this just me blabbing because CNN is
literally only saying the same things - 17 soldiers surrender, Airline
industry going bad...
Ahh, man from Doha telling us how more than 17 Iraqi soldiers surrender...
US Central Command says so - they have been taken to an undisclosed
location. How nice - can I please say propaganda? Ahh lovely, CNN has
received their first video from the US Airforce - cool plane, F-something,
green lights in sky, everything looks so nice and sexxy on T.V. like this.
Top story of the night is 17 iraqi soldiers surrendering. TOP STORY!!!!! 17
SOLDIERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Am I the only person rolling on the floor laughing at
Tariq Aziz speaking - U.S. has power, but no brains, they know nothing about
the nature of people and people's determination of their right to exist...
ok, Tariq Aziz taken off...
Shit, everything cutting too fast...
U.S. preparing its own people for the body bags coming in..
Ari Fleischer talking - stuttering, unsure - Preident will be guided by the
best military advice available... yea, right, and oil industry executives -
no, he didn't say that.
Italian Prime Minister was jeered in Parliament as he expressed support for
U.S. war.
Kofi Annan - this is a sad day for the U.N. and the World. Many people
around the World are deeply alarmed by the threat of war.
But dont be too sad, DOW Jones is up!!! Some stock-brokers clapping on
screen. Shit. Markets again. Oil prices again.
So let me digress...
This is whats happening on our great media while we countdown to
armageddon... wake up wake up... its time for us to take the media into our
own hands... really, this is just insanity... its not even funny any more,
well, maybe just a little bit....
Business Central on CNN.... woo ha!
I dont like this idea of writing while CNN goes on any more - i thought it
would be fun - its no fun. shit. how do people take this shit?
Just under 3 hours left...... still talking about 17 soldiers.....
Mood in Baghdad now - residents fully expect war... shops closed, most of
the city at home or have fled - Govt. officials still defiant - pictures of
Iraqi people chanting something like "Hail Saddam" - look, look, Bad Iraqi
people. Iraqi Assembly sends letter of solidarity to Saddam Hussein. CNN man
in Baghdad looks confused - poor man, has to actually look at the dead
people and spew his shit.
Countries around Iraq bracing themselves for refugees...
Egypt's PM blames Iraq for bringing war to the region... but CNN twists
that, his speech was actually against the war... ahh fuckit.
Interview of American soldier - we're ready to rock n roll - just waiting
for the order - CNN telling us how American soldiers calling home - how
John King outside white house - War planning sessions twice a day - now
we've got some cool music and shots cutting between u.s. military and
Ari - if force is used, lives will be lost...
Need help in defending homeland from terrorism - more money for homeland
security - woo ha!
John King - white house refuses to put time estimate on war - american
people should be prepared for a long war - hoo ya! more prime time ads for
what are the hopes that Iraqi soldiers will all surrender and not fight?
they're reasonably sure that most of the army will surrender, BECAUSE OF
Surrendered!!!! Do they KNOW how much 17 is???? Its 17!!!!! Its
Shit, next we're going to Japan's "soothing market measures" or some shit. I
cant take it.
Join Aaron Brown live from New York for inciseful news reports on CNN!!!
Nice ad. Bullshit fuckin hell.
One newscast - many voices - CNN.
When weather information is absolutely crucial, why depend on anyone else?
Weather forecasts that are accurate, blah blah... CNN Weather... shit. Do
they foresee rising temperatures due to nuclear fall-out?

Tokyo Stocks higher in the hope that Govt. will support markets (as opposed
to "people", coz thats passe). Taiwan says long war could damage economy.
Shit. I'm not interested. La la la la la.
Disney Warns War Fears are Hurting Tourism - Oh shit! I Warn War Fears are
Hurting a lot more, asshole!
wait, i need something to eat... brb...
ok, i gotta go, man, this is bullshit, i'll continue when we're closer to
armageddon - this is just CNN's self absorbed ads and now they're flashing
faces of muslim terrorists. Enough!! The Fight Against Terrorism - Watch
What Happens Next - and the ad ends with Saddam firing a gun or something.
Shit. Ok, i really cant take this any more - 2 and a half hours to go, its
me signing out and stuff...

Good morning, World - the war has begun. I rejoin CNN at the time Ari
Fleischer comes on for 3 seconds and says "The disarmament of Iraq has
begun. The president will addres the nation at 10:30"
So. now, we as a World sit and watch our imminent destruction on our
television screen.
CNN - words - liberation of Iraq has begun, disarmament has begun - they
dont call it an invasion any more - its impolite.
Military jargon - forces are ready - second war planning meeting, time is
optimum, we wait for armageddon...
great drama - FUCKIN assholes - arguing wether fleischer said "disarmament"
or "liberation" - what he MEANT was "dismemberment" anyways.
camera on baghdad - dawn is hitting the city, as we stare at the sky...
where has the war started? not clear... probably not full blown start of
war. they're so concerned with wether its on or not... GOD! So happy...
Christianne Ammanpour in Kuwait City.... forces moving into de-militarrized
zone... already few kilometres into Iraq.
Back to Pentagon - quick cut - cruise missile strike against Baghdad -
against a target of opportunity - before full blown war - aha! target of
opportunity - what did they bomb? did they bomb saddam? did they take out
some chemical weapons? President's speech in 22 minutes.
Cut back to Nic Robertson in Baghdad - no indication in Baghdad of
anything... what has been hit? only anti-aircraft guns were fired... its a
mystery... but its a fun mystery... CNN is having a field day... oooohh...
new fun phrase - target of opportunity - it sounds cool, too.
Loud noise in background from Baghdad... almost ghastly... sheesh... screen
still showing dawn sky over Baghdad...
When was the last time we know Saddam was in Baghdad... closing in on the
question - did the USA just take out Saddam? Where is Saddam? Impossible to
Cut to reporter with the brave soldiers - 7th Cavalry at northern kuwaiti
border - we are in formation, like 19th century american frontier some
shit - some AA tanks, nice words, fancy weapons - soldiers are impatient to
go - soldiers saying President has got to order this fast - yea yea, we
wanna rock n roll...
Man speaking interrupted with noise, Bombs over Baghdad ! Cut to quick image
from Al Jazeera, cut out, back to man with military - indication of war
beginning? We're still in attack position, army still waiting for orders to
cross the border - soldiers more than ready to go - yoo ha! Do not expect a
large amount of resistance from Iraqi's. Officer urged soldiers to fight
hard - once you get into Iraq, there will be lots of Iraqis being friendly,
who'll be happy to see you - ha ha, they're lying to the young again!!
Back to White House man - CIA told President Saddam had not yet left Iraq,
so bombing began. Still - what was the target of opportunity - was it
Saddam? We wait with baited breath... back to studio - Saddam is sneaky
bitch who hides well...
There is prohibition against assassinating foreign leader, but once war
begins, its allowed. Funny, no?
Christiane Ammanpour talking to U.K. person - again, talking about
"liberation" of Iraq - hahahahaha... and they call CNN "objective".
Sky over Baghdad brightening up... still talk in the background - US trying
to prove that it does not want to kill or maim Iraqis, want to show the
Iraqi people that they come in peace, there will be a very heavy air raid,
but their targetting will be very precise - only collaterals will die, not
real people (mwahahaha).
Update: Cruise missile strike against a target of opportunity.
Back to Pentagon - still trying to figure target of opportunity - confirm it
was a leadership target - more and more speculation - was it Saddam? Was it
his son? We'll find out soon... stay tuned to CNN... mwahahahaha...
Back to Kuwait - Christianne Ammanpour and Wolf Blitzer... Wolf - showing
off CNN's live cameras on Baghdad and why they dont have cameras everywhere
in Iraq... we cant tell you for sure if there are air-strikes in other
places in Iraq...
Still seeing pictures of Baghdad... its getting brighter, slower and
slower... back to Nic Robertson in Baghdad...
Anti-aircraft fire subsided... city is cloudy, we cant see that far...
The city is very quiet right now... we're watching and waiting...
Update from studio: All of this began around 2 hours ago after deadline
passed - Saddam didn't leave, there was an offer from Bahrain, and still the
bitch didn't leave...
Anti-aircraft fire heard again over Baghdad... sound of Baghdad... just a
soundscape over Baghdad with ghostly voice over saying Saddam is a bitch...
Saddam has messianic visions of himself...  a life in exile is not the image
he has of himself... President addresses the nation in 7 minutes...
The campaign is on - these months of negotiations have ended finally in
orgiastic war.
Target of opportunity still being debated...
General Wesley Clark talking now - is this how you thought the war would
play out? Could have gone with "big shock", might even be happening right
now - we're so dominant, the darkness and such doesn't matter any more -
when are ground troops going to move in? American forces are going to be
reconassance led, they're going to have helicopters, all the technology -
all this is going to have been extensively war gamed...
Back to Target of Opportunity - something that suddenly appeared, and they
sent a cruise missile - if it was a cruise missile, it had to have been
launched a while ago...
Osama Bin Laden escaped, they seized on this one - what brave people, they
didn't waste time, and took the opportunity!
Back to Pentagon - full scale campaign might not have begun - defense
official said he wouldn't be at home eating a bowl of cheerios if the war
had begun...
Camera over Baghdad is lost... theres no images from there any more...
President will address the White House in about a minute and now they're
arguing which room of the White House he'll address from.
Message on Iraq radio - God protect us from foreign aggressors, God protect
our leader - read by Saddam's son, thats what people in Baghdad hear along
with anti-aircraft fire...
For the second time Bush telling his country they're at war
Bush on T.V. 54321 - in the early stages of military attack - to disarm,
liberate, to bring peace... on my order, they've started bombing to stop
Saddam from waging war. more than 35 countries helping. hopes of an opressed
people rest on you - the people you liberate will love you, american
military. america faces an enemy that has no respect for rules of war.
saddam has placed troops in civilian areas, to try and kill his own people.
war could be long and difficult. helping iraqis build democracy will be long
process. we come to iraq with respect for the iraqi people. we come with no
ambition except to restore democracy and restore country to people. we pray
for the american military - military has the gratitude and respect of its
people. we enter this conflict reluctantly (!?!), but we will meet this
threat... we meet this threat now so that we dont have to meet it later on
the streets of our cities...
this will not be a campaign of half measures, and we will accept only
victory. we will pass through time of peril and carry on work of peace. we
will defend freedom and bomb others into freedom too... we will prevail...
it took Bush a little more than 4 minutes to say all of this. God bless

Target of opportunity did target Saddam - they call it an attempted
decapitation strike. Decapitation??? What the fuck word is that?
DECAPITATION STRIKE???? Thats an official term??? DECAPITATION???
ok, sorry. I'm losing my mind again... time to go and turn off CNN... thats
as much shit as I can take for a while...

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